Welp, I guess this is it, after half a century of continuous pillaging, slaughtering, and raping of the Middle East both directly and indirectly, I guess the Empire truly wins this time.
Welp, I guess this is it, after half a century of continuous pillaging, slaughtering, and raping of the Middle East both directly and indirectly, I guess the Empire truly wins this time.
Comrade Trump please keep cooking and choose the worst people for leadership roles and catalyze the destruction of Amerikkka
It’d be so funny for Syria to just straight up launch all missiles at Israel at this point - you know, go out with a bang
I dunno. Considering its proximity to the US and how Cuba is one of the nations under Interpol jurisdiction, its easy for the Empire to send in some Gusano or CIA troopers to ahem suicide by gunshot him.
What makes you think they won’t catch him? It took the government 12 days to find John Wilkes Booth. Although, the US government does sound like doing shit like you mentioned considering how dystopian and fascist it is.
what I don’t get about Insta is how unlike 4chan, all your shit is literally far from anonymous, but yet the people there comment the most reactionary, Hitlerite shit that rivals Stormfront/old school 4chan.
Hell - Instagram reels kinda reminds me of 4chan but without its distinct culture and instead of being closeted genius neurodivergent Nazi weeb mass shooter degenerates, they got cringe ass 15 year old teens tryna be edgy saying the same racist shit over and over again
Welp, it looks like we’re getting Cyberpunk 2077 sequel irl before GTA6
The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces successfully tested a medium-caliber maritime railgun. It will now be deployed aboard Japan’s 13DDX Destroyers
I don’t like the sound of that, especially considering the fact that modern-day Japan could quite literally be described as an East-Asian Israel with an effective PR department
This is why despite how much hatred I harbor for the American Empire, it is still the country I reside in and despite all my rage and hatred towards the country as a whole, I still pray that its collapse will be (relatively) peaceful and painless - although I know very well the chances of that are near zero.
Come and See seriously fucked my shit up but its
the Edge is strong with this one
I know Homelander is a fucking Yankoid fascist but you get my point
Lol I was literally born there and is fluent in the language. I ended up in the US in the first place because my parents are the type of Asians to unironically think that China is literally worse than Nazi Germany and the US is the best country in the world
credit to @FuknSlammer the GOAT on Xitter
You’re right and Israel (and by extension the US) is and should be the main focus of all leftist communities but there is this sort of prevailing feeling that Japan is “tragic” or “fallen” in a sense, and treated too much like a victim.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not referring to or defending the nuclear bombings - they were an inhuman act of pure evil - committed by the US. But as for why Japan is declining by itself or why Japan is suffering so much as a whole in the modern age, I feel that many people tend to overlook the fact that much of what happened - and what is happening currently - Japan did it to itself. Yes, the US has its hand deep up its ass, but then nations like Cuba are arguably getting fucked much harder than the US, and they still maintain a sense of moral decency in which its society is largely relatively happy.
Maybe its just me and I’m overthinking it but I feel that Japan as a whole deserves much more hate than its due