One of the very few good things the Qing dynasty (or any Chinese imperial dynasty for that matter) did.
The answer you are looking for is no. I am not a constitutional scholar by any means, but I am interested in the concept of constitutionalism.
There’s an unwritten constitution, which is still a constitution
I and most if not all constitutional scholars would politely disagree with that. In order for a constitution to be valid, it has to be written down in some form that way everyone can agree to some extent (there will still be some gray areas, like what is/isn’t a right for example) on how society should be governed. If there isn’t a constitution of some kind, it would just be no different than the absolute monarchies of old where they either claim some divine right to rule and do whatever they want or just go as far (like Louis XIV famously declared) to say that they are the state.
Talking about alternate timelines that have already been made? Or talking about “what if” scenarios that could build into interesting alternate timelines? Either way, I’m in favor of it.
China watchers who claim that the Chinese government is suppressing the Tibetan language: 😎 I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that
Pier Paolo Pasolini was an Italian director (controversial to say the least due to his brash and straightforward style of delivering the anti-capitalist message in his works (most prominently and infamously in his final film Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom) and a vocal supporter of communism. The Gospel According to St. Matthew is one of his most famous works (as the title suggests being an adaptation of the Gospels in the Bible and a portrayal of the life of Jesus through a revolutionary perspective). He was an unlikely person to do such a sincere portrayal (being a communist, an atheist, and gay), but it has been highly regarded both in its day and today. It won the Grand Jury Prize at the 1964 Venice Film Festival (second place behind the Golden Lion, a crowd that was there to boo him actually cheered after the film was screened), was nominated for three Academy Awards (Best Art-Set Decoration, Best Costume Design, Best Score), and was named by L’Osservatore Romano (the daily newspaper of the Vatican) as the best film on Christ ever made.
I plan on rewatching Pasolini’s The Gospel According to St. Matthew in honor of Holy Week going on right now and Easter being this Sunday. I might post a little film review/essay about it after watching it, so keep an eye out for it.
This would just be my resume to Amazon.
Thank God Truman had the common sense to fire him.