To mark the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice, advocates from around the U.S. will converge on Washington, D.C., to call on President Joe Biden and Congress to officially end the Korean War and replace the armistice with a peace agreement.

A major goal of the activities is catalyzing Congressional and public support for the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act (H.R.1369) which is now backed by 33 members of Congress. The proposed legislation lays the groundwork for establishing a peace agreement and finally ending the Korean War.

This three-day-long national gathering is being organized by Korea Peace Action; National Mobilization to End the Korean War, led by Women Cross DMZ the Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network; and a broad coalition of peace activists, humanitarian aid groups, organizations representing veterans, POW-MIAs, faith traditions and Korean Americans whose families remain divided by the demilitarized zone that bisects the peninsula. This action will coincide with similar peace mobilizations in South Korea, organized by Korean peace partners there.