‘They pretend like they care about marginalized groups then gloss over the fact these 3 dudes murdered literally millions of people.’

Miscategorizing Lenin, Stalin, and Máo as ‘fascists’ is pretty careless in and of itself, but it’s the ableism that really necessitates an apology. Unacceptable.

Coincidentally, though, Serbia under Axis occupation classified communism as a mental illness.

  • Anarcho-BolshevikOP
    1 year ago

    Somebody channeled their inner Fox News and interpreted your comment as ‘genocide denial’.

    You raised a good point: with the arguable exception of Harry Truman, it’s a gross oversimplification to blame thousands of deaths on a single politician. One of the first lessons that somebody seriously studying the Shoah learns was that it was not the work—or even the idea—of a single individual. It was the work of millions of individuals: petty bourgeois gentiles, haut‐bourgeois ones, European politicians, ordinary soldiers, collaborators both willing and unwilling, and a signficiant number of whom acted without the orders of Adolf Schicklgruber, such as the Iron Guard and the Vichy authorities. This is why it’s reductive to say ‘Adolf Schicklgruber killed 6 million Jews’. Rather, Axis personnel and collaborators did.

    goat, this is not ‘pedantry’ or ‘nitpicking’, as you might be thinking. This is serious: pinning millions of deaths on a head of state overemphasizes him and quietly exculpates numerous criminals, many of whom are still officially honored in the West.

    I hate to state the obvious, but goat, since you need it: when I say, ‘Adolf Schicklgruber didn’t kill 6 million Jews; Axis personnel and collaborators did’, I am not saying ‘Hitler wasn’t a member of the Axis’ or ‘Hitler never harmed anybody’. I am saying ‘millions of Axis personnel, of whom Hitler was an important part, along with their collaborators, killed approximately six million Jews’. Can you understand that, goat? Or do you want me to recommend you some children’s software?