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David Josef Volodzko @davidvolodzko In fact, while Hitler has become the great symbol of evil in history books, he too was less evil than Lenin because Hitler only targeted people he personally believed were harmful to society whereas Lenin targeted even those he himself did not believe were harmful in any way. 12:18 AM · Jul 8, 2023

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    1 year ago

    I am guessing that the ‘financial assistance program for poor children and their families’ refers to the Winter Aid, which

    restricted its donations from the very beginning exclusively to people of ‘Aryan descent’. The National Socialist People’s Welfare enshrined in its constitution the statement that its aim was to promote ‘the living, healthy forces of the German people’. It would only assist those who were racially sound, capable of and willing to work, politically reliable, and willing and able to reproduce.


    Yet it was feared and disliked amongst society’s poorest, who resented the intrusiveness of its questioning, its moral judgments on their behaviour and its ever‐present threat to use compulsion and bring in the Gestapo if they did not fulfil the designated criteria for support.

    — Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich in Power

    Socialists educated on the topic can explain why this isn’t a point in the Fascists’ favour; a ‘charity’ that frequently extracts from the poor defeats the purpose of a charity. Unsurprisingly, the benefits that the Winter Aid offered (aside from making the Fascists look better) were ephemeral and minor at best.

    Concerning the environmental legislation (which people were already proposing before the 1930s):

    The high hopes of the conservationists turned to frustration as they realized that [the Third Reich] honored the law mostly in the breach, especially once war preparations came to dominate policy in the late 1930s. Nonetheless, as Closmann makes clear, the [Fascists] deserve some credit for recognizing the importance of the legislation and for securing its passage.

    How Green Were the Nazis? Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich

    While this legislation may have been better than nothing, total war meant that the Fascists had to strain the environment for resources, so despite their conscious efforts at environmental conservation I would wager that the Fascists did more harm than good overall.

    Regarding this:

    Hitler only targeted people he personally believed were harmful to society

    The Fascists were quite infamous for their reprisals: if somebody (e.g. a partisan) killed a German, they would kill one hundred civilians in turn. The intention behind this was to discourage partisan activity and violence against Fascists in general. There was at least once instance where Schicklgruber personally ordered one of these:

    On Hitler’s express orders reprisals for the killing of Germans in Denmark were to be carried out in secret “on the proportion of five to one.”

    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

    As for the comments on Lenin, unfortunately that lies outside of my area of expertise. Maybe consult InDefenseOfToucans for that. (Although you’ll have to put on a fake smile whenever she shares her anti‐Stalin accusations.) Alternatively there’s TheFinnishBolshevik, but, eh… I feel uneasy about him.