Racism cannot be separated from capitalist & colonialist systems. The ruling class has wielded racism at every turn to enable hyper-exploitation & economic expansion while pitting the people against each other. There will be no end to racism until there is an end to capitalism. Racism was both the cause and the ideological justification for the enslaving and colonizing of free peoples. The enslaved and the colonized created the wealth hoarded by capitalists and Western powers. Racism justified the genocide of indigenous Americans for the sake of territorial and economic expansion. The wealth and will of the capitalist class are inseparable from these actions. In addition to justifying the oppression, exploitation, and mass-murder of racialized people, racism and state-sanctioned racist violence have been used consistently to prevent the masses from unifying. When black slaves and white indentured servants came together in 1675 for Bacon’s Rebellion, the ruling class recognized this threat and used the law to further separate the two groups. When the Black Panthers called for proletarian unity against capitalism, the FBI killed Fred Hampton and destroyed the Panthers. Today, when workers in the first world are screwed over by neoliberal austerity and trade deals orchestrated exclusively for the benefit of the international corporations, they are told to hate workers in and from the global south. Racism and Capitalism have co-evolved to the point of inseparability. When the thirteenth amendment liberated slaves, the prison-industrial complex rose to the occasion. When free blacks wanted to partake in the “American dream” of home & business ownership, racist redlining held them back. None of this absolves individual acts of racism, but it explains that racism is not in any way an individual problem. We need anti-racism, and we need marginalized people in positions of power, but these alone will never fix a system that is rotten to its core. A system in which a tiny class owns the wealth, the state, and the means of production will NEVER create justice for the people of the world.

Expanding on this, I had recently read an article on wang yi’s recent comments, seeing the reddit forums, these forums and it’s interesting that most have not done much in way of more deeper analysis, while my theory is rather lacking, and obvious i am biased -

While I have no doubt that those that oppose that west can also have their own incarnations of prejudice/ social sectarianism on the basis of ethnic linage (cypto-racism or racism depending on your interpretation on racism). I try to think of what the modus operandi of these states are and how that would begin to influence their people, or if these nations even have the potential to begin to address these issues.

The west, being an inherent capitalist state at the foundation, i think (of course my bias as baby ml) will never have the potential to fully solve the ethnic social sectarianism, as the populace is not formed with ideas of solidarity of the people, but seems to be inherently opposed to such ideas - since such solidarity of the people would pose a direct threat to the capitalist class. (Brothers and sisters in hunger are calling, Shall we be silent to their sorrow and woe?)

because of this, the capitalist will cant or pay lip service to such ideas of solidarity of the people, but never meaningfully do anything substantial to develop this in the material world/ideology.

I think that the best that the west can do with the ethnic social sectarianism would be apathy/indifference with a strong spearhead of escapism (so much elephants and circuses that people just don’t bother to care) but i can’t imagine the bourgeoise would be willing to part with the capital to make such a form of escapism without a direct threat to them + would our humanity be willing accept that level of escapism without completely destroying itself?

  • thefartographer@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    You’re right, it’s not right that racism is driven by… Hey! That’s communism talk! Communism is the worst thing anyone can do because it makes an evil happen, my invisible sky-pal told me so! So go back to your country of origin based on a color I assign to you, unless you’re white and Christian; God gave us all of America (except parts of Oklahoma and such).

    Communism is evil because it overfeeds the people I look down upon, so I’m going to force everyone to suckle from the decrepit teat of capitalism. Let the rich people go first, they told me that they have magical powers that turns their urine into milk!

    Did I do a sarcasm good?