Comment for all your suggestions and I will add to the list :D. SUGGESTIONS:

  1. Add Mobile App - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  2. Try to market to more people as a pro-free speech forum compared to Reddit’s anti-free speech. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  3. Add an official discord. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [X] Accepted [] In consideration []

  4. Add a barrier/approval to new and upcoming communities that have to be accepted via admins. Help to prevent duplicates and so forth. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  5. Add more text/html options like bold, italic, etc. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  6. {your idea here}

  • Giggz
    5 years ago

    idk if this is the kind of suggestion ur looking for but would it be a good idea to turn the hoi4 into just a general paradox sub? (or at least also incorporate vicky 2 n stelllaris?)