Comment for all your suggestions and I will add to the list :D. SUGGESTIONS:

  1. Add Mobile App - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  2. Try to market to more people as a pro-free speech forum compared to Reddit’s anti-free speech. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  3. Add an official discord. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [X] Accepted [] In consideration []

  4. Add a barrier/approval to new and upcoming communities that have to be accepted via admins. Help to prevent duplicates and so forth. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  5. Add more text/html options like bold, italic, etc. - Cranberry Juice 8/24/19 STATUS: Rejected [] Accepted [] In consideration []

  6. {your idea here}

  • @fidel_castro
    65 years ago

    I dont like the idea of using discord, and tbh I dont get why so many leftist communities use it. After all, its run by a private company, just like reddit. I suggest using Matrix, its open source and federated.

    • Muad'DibberA
      25 years ago

      Agree, not a fan of discord for its spying, and would rather use matrix.

      But also, I don’t know if that’s even really necessary… this has live updating comments, and each post is basically a live chatroom. I’d rather just put a suggestions thread on some subs’ sidebar, and let that work.

      • @fidel_castro
        15 years ago

        Well Lemmy is still pretty new, so I dont think it has the same reliability (and it runs off a single server, which could easily go down). The UI is also not made for chat. And I dont think ActivityPub is really made for live chat.

    • @Leonidas
      15 years ago

      thanks for the recommendation, I just signed up for it. any good servers you recommend?

  • @Giggz
    35 years ago

    idk if this is the kind of suggestion ur looking for but would it be a good idea to turn the hoi4 into just a general paradox sub? (or at least also incorporate vicky 2 n stelllaris?)

  • @Karlovious
    25 years ago

    Can we make it so when we are in our inbox or userpage we can go to the post the reply is from? Its very annoying that sometimes i get “out of context” notifs.

  • @joeufo1
    5 years ago

    I’m completely new to modding. How to I add images to the sidebar like /c/communism ?
