This event is part of a broader strategy of recruiting support for the [neocolony] by rebranding itself as queer-friendly in an effort to mask [its] ongoing violence against Palestinians — known as “Brand Israel.” The Brand Israel campaign intentionally markets [the neocolony] as a “gay-friendly” country and a gay tourism destination, a strategy that queer Palestinians and those in solidarity have termed “Pinkwashing.”

The Pinkwashing narrative that [the neocolony] is gay-friendly is not only harmful to Palestinians, it is also disingenuous and false. LGBTQ+ marriages are not legal in [the neocolony]. Egregiously, the [neocolonial] military threatens and attempts to extort Palestinians based on private information about their gender, sexual history, and medical needs. This practice, which can include threatening to “out” LGBTQ+ Palestinians, displays the violent character of Zionism that is antithetical to queer liberation.

As Al-Qaws, a queer Palestinian organization, writes: “The open inclusion of gay officers in the [neocolonial] army is used as proof of liberal forward-mindedness, but for Palestinians the sexuality of the soldier at a checkpoint makes little difference. They all wield the same guns, wear the same boots, and maintain the same [neo]colonial régime.” (, Oct. 18, 2020)

  • Armthepoor
    1 year ago

    Fuck Israel they will give up on LGBT rights when it stops being convenient for them