Dr. Nora Markard, professor of international public law and international human rights at the University of Munster, says it is “really important to center the obligations of the Greek state. . . . They were on the scene; they were in their own search and rescue zone; they failed to rescue, and they failed to coordinate a rescue. And then they actively put the lives of the people on the boat at risk.”


Contrast the limited media attention to the Greek disaster with a recent story that has gotten substantially more coverage. On June 18, the Titan, a minivan-sized submersible from the company OceanGate, lost contact with its ship in the North Atlantic while diving to take a tour of the wreckage of the Titanic. Onboard were the company’s CEO Stockton Rush, two billionaires, a multimillionaire and his 19-year-old son. Tickets cost $250,000 apiece.