constant growth is the lifeblood of communities like this one, so please if you want Lemmy to be successful at providing the entire spectrum of anti-capitalist left ideologies a space to be openly free, link in all your leftist groups and help us expand member usership!

I would personally recommend sharing in secured and private communities primarily, as to reduce fascist bandit army flooding. However, Lemmy should also be shared where leftist masses are, so don’t be afraid to share on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and other places.

  • Muad'DibberA
    45 years ago

    :folded hands: Thank :folded hands:

    For anyone unaware, I’m the dev BTW, and appreciate any help in sharing, I’m bad at that.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
      45 years ago

      You’re not bad at sharing. You’re just not good at it.

      haha, I’m kidding.