Due to Reddit going public in a few days and concern over censorship, a Lemmygrad community for the new religious movement has been made. Lemmygrad is a Marxist-Leninist focused web forum where we will be safe from bourgeois censorship and spiritual warfare.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    62 years ago

    finally, more Pagan representation on Lemmygrad. I’m happy about this.

  • @pimento
    2 years ago

    Reddit going public in a few days

    Was there any date announced? My understanding was that it might still take some months. Anyway, welcome!

    • Charming OwlOPM
      32 years ago

      After looking it up, the results say that Reddit is apparently either keeping the date secret as it has not been announced. The decision to make a page on Lemmygrad for this community was mostly pre-emptive.