*I support it if it can happen without corruption

  • linkhidalgogato
    1 year ago

    yes things are nuanced no socialists country is without blame or a history of sometimes very serious errors and mistakes. but that point is sorta irrelevant socialists countries have historically treated their people and had foreign policy which was so much better than capitalists countries that this nuance mean nothing like china gave the death penalty to a few people who probably didnt deserve it, the west colonized Africa and murdered like half the people living there. China soft censors biased western sources the usa spends billions on non stop propaganda across the entire world. the USSR supported some revolutionaries across the world (which i dont think is bad but its still meddling in other countries) the usa has invaded almost every country on earth tried to overthrow governments in other countries hundreds of times in the past century. there justs isnt a point of comparison here the west is so fucking bad that the things which socialists countries do wrong or we dont like just dont matter atleast not when talking to libs its certainly worth knowing and acknowledging their mistakes but if the question is “AES or the west” the answer isnt “both bad” its “west bad”.