The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia released a statement on its website that gives a more honest assessment of the anti-NATO protests than those published by the corporate media.

“The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) and the Alliance of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) condemn the brutal beating of citizens, who tried to prevent a violent assault on the buildings of these three municipalities by the Kosovo police, who threw tear gas at those present.”

The announcement further declares: “Washington, London and Brussels are constantly pressuring Belgrade to officially recognize the independence of the false ‘State of Kosovo,’ which the communist and workers’ parties of the world vehemently oppose, and demand that this retrograde Act, directed against peace, stability and prosperity, carried out for the sake of the expansionist goals of big capital should immediately end.” (, May 30)

  • Speedmaster
    2 years ago

    The NKPJ has a rather fascist and right-wing view of the Kosovo situation. They parrot the far right movements in the country with the “Kosovo is Serbia” propaganda. They forget that the autonomy that was granted to Kosovo during Yugoslavia was only granted because Serbian nationalists and fascist claimed that it’s Serb territory and that the Albans should be ethnically cleansed. Parroting the narrative that Kosovo is Serbia and not socialist Yugoslavia is the one most destructive thing the NKPJ does to itself. And the only reason the majority of real communists and ML don’t want to join. Titoists rather despise this ethno-nationalistic view of Kosovo. The idea of “Brotherhood and Unity” that created Yugoslavia in the first place is undermined with this worldview.

    • hkto
      2 years ago

      I had no idea they did this. That’s straight out of the Greater Serbia playbook. What on earth are they thinking?

  • Mzuark
    2 years ago

    The fact that we have NATO boots on the ground fighting communists under the guise of peace keeping is pretty ominous.