THIS motivated the “current largest labor action in USA”? Not the countless other reasons but THIS?

US petty burgies at Sigliberalism are apparently mad their comission-fueled comfortable life are being endangered and are trying to twist Marx to defend it. Also they suddenly started to love IP and cry crocodile tears about poor artists being ripped.

Also lol the donwnvotes in this thread are something entirely else, guy just shared his (admittely non-40k style) pics and every positivity for him is being dogpiled.

  • PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
    1 year ago

    Agree about the talent, this makes things even simpler and further puts the entire issue in materialist context.

    Last paragraph: i think people panic because while the futurists been predicting total automation of society for many decades (even Marx predicted that it could possibly happen and that would be the moment when capitalism ironically abolish itself), the general opinion was always “we will still have jobs which are impossible to automate”. But suddenly basic part of this iron base is endangered.

    Remind me for some reason of Frank Herbert’s Dune: a universe where the automation was reversed, and it not only plunged entire humanity into the depths of slavery, but they literally needed magical tech and even literal magic not to regress into barbarism.