When so many people think of a real life example of 1984’s Oceania (fuck you anyway, orwell), the most common one is North Korea.

So how could one easily disprove all these claims?

  • cayde6ml
    1 year ago

    There is no real way to “disprove” something, and especially not to the racist and hypocritical standards of capitalist bootlickers and neoliberals. I find that just straight up telling them:

    “the only reason you hate North Korea is because you’ve grown up in a racist capitalist society that views non-whites as “others” and you blindly believe everything you read despite all reason, because if you for a second had a shred of doubt that DPRK isn’t an Orwellian 1984 fascist dictatorship, you’d begin to question what other lies and propaganda you’ve been fed since childhood could be false, which will cause a ripple effect as you realize that you have been so utterly brainwashed by capitalist news media that you’ll begin to question your own sanity and white supremacist white man’s burden rhetoric, and you’re too proud and selfish to admit guilt and that you were lied to and work to build a better world than it is to plug your fingers in your ears and write racist blog posts about how North Korea needs to be bombed again to taste freedom and how McDonalds and Ukraine and Pop Music means America is the freest country ever.”