• Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
    4 years ago

    I grew up on the prequels, I genuinely adore them. But, I get a lot of the complaints about them. There were far too many “yes men” working on the film, which in turn resulted in Lucas having full reign to push his bullshit non-artisanship onto the film. Had people told him no, like what happened on the original trilogy, I’m sure the prequels would have ended up being much better.

    Like, I enjoy the scenes between Anakin and Padme on Naboo, that helps to establish their relationship and gives us some insight into what the characters are thinking. But we really didn’t need the space pear scene. The scenes showing the senate were important to explain to the viewers how the republic fell, but we didn’t need scenes of actual galactic politics, instead that easily could have been replaced with shorter scenes only showing us the highlights of the decent, and spend the gained time of cutting the rest of that to have character dialogue explain the decent. We could have had a Padme-explains-it-all scene, for instance.

    I won’t say a damn bad thing about Jar Jar though, he might be a bit of an annoying character, but he serves his purpose very well, and he can be argued as social commentary on liberal politics. I.E. a total buffoon gets elected, and then that buffoon pushes forwards legislation that only makes everything worse.

    • @Black_Venom
      34 years ago

      I personally love the space politics and related intrigue over the original trilogy. Also I like the style of lightsaber battles better