Predictions? I know it’s a really open ended/vague question but that’s kind of the point.

What you guys think lies ahead for the dollar and burgerland

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    1 year ago

    I expect that it’s pretty grim. Every country that’s not already a US vassal is actively dedollarizing. You no longer have to use dollars to buy essentials like oil, and BRICS are actively creating a new economic bloc that has most of the world’s population and natural resources.

    It’s hard to predict when the dollar actually crashes, but I think the trajectory is irreversible at this point. US failed to contain Russia or China, and India is increasingly distancing itself from US as well. US simply doesn’t have much to offer at this point, and if western system sees another crash then the BRICS will become the new economic centre.