It’s good to reflect sometimes.

I myself am feeling a bit dull lately. I’m working so hard at both my place of work and for the party that I forget that life has more to offer than communist propaganda spreading lol. I need to go out and touch grass more often. Today, for example, started at 6 and ended at 23 after cleaning, working, cooking and having a meeting with the party. Currently decompressing with wine and Harry Styles.

How about you guys?

  • DoghouseCharlie
    2 years ago

    I think I’m doing better than I have ever been. Which isn’t saying much, still a lot to work on like my anger issues, but things have been looking up lately.

      • DoghouseCharlie
        2 years ago

        Probably a combination of genetics on my dad’s side and just not having parents that could teach me better. Most people think I’m incredibly patient but it’s just that I don’t know how to let it out so I never really express it but I can get very violent thoughts when I start daydreaming about something bad that happened to me or something bad going on in the world. And I have flashbacks to trauma that can put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, so sometimes it becomes a negative feedback loop of bad vibes.