I’ve heard conflicting things about their political orientation.

  • CommisarChowdahead
    2 years ago

    I mean, I phrased it as question because it was. You could have answered the question in any way you chose, and immediately jumped to attacking me as a chauvinist. I don’t think I get to decide what they do, but I’m free to be skeptical of their choices not to affiliate with others (I make the same criticism of the IWW). I didn’t claim I’m on the same level as someone engaged in armed struggle and even acknowledged I wasn’t before, I don’t know what point you think you’re making there.

    • ⚧️TheConquestOfBed♀️
      2 years ago

      Because you boiled the struggle of an alliance between multiple neighboring Mayan ethnic groups to resist colonization and subsist on their own land without being beholden to the interests of European/USian powers, something many other indigenous societies succumbed to, including the Inca and Aztec Empires to “playing commune out in the jungle”. It shows a complete and naive misunderstanding of the issue. You speak with authority when you have nothing of interest to say. That’s how it was so easy for me to clock you as white.

      Your opinion was so much more haughty than my original explanation and when you encounter resistance to your holier than thou mentality you cry like a little fascist. If you really are a marxist then do some self-crit and distance yourself from this superiority complex you’ve got going on. It’s unhelpful.

      • CommisarChowdahead
        2 years ago

        What superiority complex? Please explain for me how having some mild criticisms of a group an wondering about their future if they were to continue to oppose Marxism and others in their country is a superiority complex. I would like to internalize what you are saying but I don’t see how what you are saying is quite relevant. I don’t pretend to be an expert, I don’t pretend to be a leader, I am a random communist talking about something on a tiny internet website. I am hardly publishing a scathing rebuke of all that they are, nor would I want to.

        You are right, calling it playing commune is too dismissive. They have accomplished something worth being proud of, hence why I have done what I can with my very limited influence to support them. I was over reacting to some of the stuff I got into on that anarchist site. It’s very frustrating to see that there is such a gulf between people who should otherwise have a lot in common.