I’ve heard conflicting things about their political orientation.

  • CommisarChowdahead
    1 year ago

    What superiority complex? Please explain for me how having some mild criticisms of a group an wondering about their future if they were to continue to oppose Marxism and others in their country is a superiority complex. I would like to internalize what you are saying but I don’t see how what you are saying is quite relevant. I don’t pretend to be an expert, I don’t pretend to be a leader, I am a random communist talking about something on a tiny internet website. I am hardly publishing a scathing rebuke of all that they are, nor would I want to.

    You are right, calling it playing commune is too dismissive. They have accomplished something worth being proud of, hence why I have done what I can with my very limited influence to support them. I was over reacting to some of the stuff I got into on that anarchist site. It’s very frustrating to see that there is such a gulf between people who should otherwise have a lot in common.