This has nothing to do with politics at all, just casual thoughts, I had to vent somewhere. Maybe it’s just me being a bit doomer or something, but my siblings, almost all of my friends and most of the people I know usually agree. You know how older people say that they miss 1980s for example, that’s basically how I view first half of 2010s for newer generation.

Everything was so much better then: internet, movies, TV shows, games, popular stuff, as for the internet, most of popular trash today was non existent including cringe ‘‘trends’’ etc, reddit wasn’t as popular and as talked about as today, there was Google+ and YouTube was best with Markiplier playing horror games being mainstream, Balkan YouTube being at it’s peak(anyone who is from countries of ex-Yugoslavia will know about what I’m talking about), Minecraft, GTA V, ARK Survival Evolved, Creepypastas, indie games, Pokemons everywhere, you name it. Movies were better and better every year (props to Cocaine Bear and few more recent movies which are actually good ofc), while today most of the movies are either boring sequels, ruining originals or terrible remakes, with newer games also doing the same thing.

It was 2017 when everything started going to shit on the internet, very early 2017 started good, but then in about mid 2017 everything changed: dramas and cringe trends started on internet, open racism on social media started becoming more frequent, people complaining about everything etc, reddit and TikTok becoming more popular, good social media getting shut down or ruined with updates, cringe games becoming popular while old ones including literal Minecraft went into irrelevancy(it came back later thankfully) etc.

And life was so much better then in general, not everyone was complaining and depressed irl, I remember every day after school going with siblings and friends on sports center across the street from school and spending whole day there. Today, it wouldn’t be even possible since almost everyone I know is depressed and very closed in, including new people I meet, everyone is basically just looking after themselves closed and not giving a shit about anyone or anything if you know what I mean. People are just becoming depressed shells more and more, what is up with that? Not so long ago before a few years, this would be unimaginable and here we are. I’m saying 2012-2016 since that was the best time imo. As I said, my siblings agree with me, most of my friends also but they just kind of don’t know why is that.

Does anyone else feel the same or similar about that time?

  • meticulousPotato
    2 years ago

    once corporations noticed the profitability of the internet, they wanted in on it, to make profit through it.

    the fastest way to make money through something is that people use it more than anything, make them mad and looking at drama, to increase conflict so you have to see a 12 part analysis on why did [important youtuber] fucked his cat or whatever. its a process that was happening even before 2012, the fact that it wasnt obvious then does not mean it wasnt happening.

    youre also experiencing nostalgia of a time you were unburdened by a lot of things. gamergate was fairly big by then.

    it couldnt have happened any other way.

    now you can just hope that someone tries to revive that atmosphere in a obscure mastodon instance or something. is a site that helps with learning to do website stuff if you want to make a little shrine of those times. hope this helps

    • Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      2 years ago

      I would just like at least something from that time to come back and some cringe from today to be gone even if little. YouTube then was literally just having fun, after it was all dramas and for profit. Memes also became as funny as looking at stone wall, they were actually funny back then.

      • cfgaussian
        2 years ago

        We cannot turn back time. Western capitalism is never going to return to what it was 10 years ago, let alone 20 or 30. The decline spiral has no reverse gear. And this affects all the various facets of society including entertainment and popular culture. And in this case there is the added factor that the incentives of the system were always such that sooner or later the profit motive would dictate that a certain type of more commercial and more divisive content would prevail.

        • Kirbywithwhip1987OP
          2 years ago

          I meant content/feel from that time, not politics. As for politics, we have to go 35+ years back…