• bleepingblorp
    2 years ago

    Try telling Christian Nationalists that. If someone proposed allowing Muslims their daily periodic prayers throughout the day, my aunts would have heart palpitations while posting a few dozen stupid FB copypastas and messaging politician FBs and emails and all that while CCing the rest of the family in those emails.

      • bleepingblorp
        2 years ago

        Apologies, it is “courtesy copy” in an email. So in the “To:” section of an email the sender puts the main intended recipient. In the “Cc:” section, a sender puts other email addresses that they want to be able to see and maybe interact with the email, even if they aren’t the main intended recipient.

        An example might be if, say a party treasurer is emailing an accountant about some invoice, but they want to make sure the party chairperson is aware of the conversation because maybe the chairperson is the one that requested the information about that invoice. The treasurer would Cc the chairperson so they can see whatever is said between the relevant people and thus stay informed.