• LarkinDePark
    4 months ago

    For such an important topic, the article is really poorly put together.

  • Soviet Pigeon
    4 months ago

    I could not find any proof, that it was a false-flag operation.

    Reading this article about the Czech dude, which all the articles are talking about, also contains nothing much regarding this claim.

    He is saying regarding his group:

    V dobrovolnickém ozbrojeném batalionu se Siman podle výpovědi stal také katem. „My jsme byli policie, my jsme byli soud, my jsme byli i popravčí četa, když na to přišlo,“ dodal.

    Translating it to english:

    According to his testimony, Siman also became an executioner in the volunteer armed battalion. “We were the police, we were the court, we were also the firing squad when it came down to it,” he said.

    But you cant conclude that the massacre was a false-flag operation because of this sentence. In the moment there is time needed till it can be “historically processed”, meaning the war has to end and we need documents and and and.

    Edit: replaces a word