You need a Twitter account.

Report -> It’s abusive or harmful -> directs hate against a protected category -> a group of people.

Keep watching for hateful stuff he posts. Maybe if we report enough Twitter will finally ban his account.

  • RandomSovietKidM
    4 years ago

    Damn. I created a Twitter account, but the reporting menu looks different for me:

    Apparently I can only report it if it’s literally illegal under that Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (“network enforcement law”) of Germany. And I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know what is and what not.

    Maybe I’m going to try on Facebook instead, but signing up for an account there is a nightmare and I’m still waiting for review/verification there.

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      You can report it under NetDsG as it targets hateful content, but I think it will only remove it in Germany.

      Hmm I’m not sure why your report screen looks different, but it should be located here on desktop:

      And instead of “How is this tweet abusive or harmful”, my window says “Help us understand the problem. What is going on with this Tweet?”.

      • RandomSovietKidM
        4 years ago

        OK, I looked up that “Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz”. Apparently, one of the points that you can report content under is §86 Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen (“spreading of propaganda means of unconstitutional organizations”). I found that one of the things that are prohibited by that paragraph are:

        Propagandamittel, die nach ihrem Inhalt dazu bestimmt sind, Bestrebungen einer ehemaligen nationalsozialistischen Organisation fortzusetzen,

        in English:

        propaganda means, that with their content are intended to continue the aims of a former national socialist organization.

        Since that Stonetoss comic shit implies that England would be better off if the nazis had conquered it, I believe that it falls under that law. I reported it.

        (Yes, the report button was located where you showed in the screenshot. Sorry for the confusion, the first window I saw was:

        Then I clicked on “It’s abusive or harmful”, because that’s what applies, and then the screenshot that I show in my previous comment appeared.)

        EDIT: very minor clarification

        • CriticalResist8OPMA
          4 years ago

          In any case, it doesn’t cost anything to report under NetDsG! Twitter probably takes the decision themselves, i.e. they interpret the law themselves, so they may interpret it like you did and block the content, whether a German court would agree doesn’t need to be considered for our purposes. And so it may be possible Twitter disagrees but a German court would agree with your report.

          But I believe this only blocks the content in Germany (there have been tweets on German twitter that said “this content is unavailable in your country”. So I wouldn’t recommend using it; most of his audience is in the USA.