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  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    2 months ago

    Very well. You technically didn’t have to make your reply this lengthy, but okay, I like the answer.

    I don’t want to make the page laudatory of CPUSA.

    But there are holes missing and it uses the, for example, Red Clarion blog as a source (a blog that acts like our org is fucking mysterious when “Communist Party studies” or “American communist” studies in academia are very common and have been since Hammer and Hoe was released in the early 80s). But my antipathy to that blog aside, I’m not going to make it uncritical.

    And I want to fill in the holes and gaps.

    I don’t always agree with Nat’l, but I’m deeply interested in recovering CPUSA history and Socialist Party history.

    Not to mention the labor movement could use some work in the entries; I could easily make a single page for each AFL-CIO federation (well, a lot of them).

    Also, FRSO is scanty at this point; why not give it its due?

    The reason why I was intent on starting my own Wiki, probably publishing it on Obsidian with some friends, was that I felt that, judging by previous comments made about CPUSA by Forte, that the state of the current entry on CPUSA was meant to be unflattering and unrepresentative of the part, or representing a viewpoint that views the post-1956 history of the party as “revisionist” or “reformist” or whatever, when the era of Gus Hall and Angela Davis is a lot more complicated (but also well-documented).

    As someone that may be out of CPUSA, not due to any disagreements with the party program per se (though I did have disagreements with members, Nat’l, and certain collectives), I could easily fill in those gaps.

    I promise that I won’t make it “pro-CPUSA” but I don’t want it to be “anti-CPUSA” either. Hell, I literally joined the CPUSA to find out what the previous generation of communists during the Cold War era thought and that history is being lost to us. The PSL and FRSO by extension are spawned off of the organization. Each organization also owes something to the leaders of CPUSA when it started, whether it be PSL’s previous formation in the 1960s (vis a vis people like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn or William Z. Foster) or perhaps they may look more kindly on the Gus Hall/Henry Winston era (before Sam Webb) as in PCUSA’s case. And FRSO has more or less the same view.

    My friend already has a wiki, one of them anyway, and I wanted to promote that, but if ProleWiki is willing to be flexible with how it portrays my political party or other orgs, then I won’t try to go against it for the time being. It’s best we have one Wiki anyway for communists.

    Also, yeah, fuck “Israel.” I don’t mind using the quotations.