• QueerCommieOP
    2 years ago

    If the most reactionary imperial force in the world were suddenly no longer an influence then the multipolar world would be free to rise up. With no artificial backing puppets like South Korea and the United Kingdom would soon crumble, making room for progressive forces.

      • QueerCommieOP
        2 years ago

        You’re acting like we’re talking about a hypothetical where the US government will disappear tomorrow vs you can impose socialism as a single person on a very anti-communist population. Whereas what we are saying is you can’t impose socialism on people, especially in such a big country without support, and a very anticommunist population. Therefore, if one of us were to magically become the monarch of the US, we would dismantle the capitalist propaganda, gulag the most fervent reactionaries and give support to those fighting for liberation, like indigenous anti-colonial struggles, or things like the black panthers, and leave, hoping that will lead to an organic rise in socialism. Also, the US is an artificial settler colonial state that is imperialist, and has only existed very recently, and somewhere like China has a long ancient history and has been one unit for millennia, and Is antiimperialist. The former Balkanized would mean the viscous imperialist state is no longer the monopoly on violence, whereas the balkanization of the ladder would mean the artificial separation of a once United land for the benefit of imperialists.

        • linkhidalgogato
          2 years ago

          you and all of the america isnt a real nation crowd are acting like a world in which we simultaneously have the power to change the united states and the united states is still capitalist is possible if we are in a position to change anything in this shithole specially to balkanize it the reasons to do so would have already been abolished so, again like i said yalls little discussions about how much you would just fucking love to fuck over hundreds of millions of working class people for no benefit just because you fucking hate them are meaningless bloodlust damn its almost like again you didnt fucking read what i said. and what does the original context of the question matter yall say the same garbage when talking about what a socialist future would look like for the US plus is not like thos if you were king of x questions have ever been literal its what do you think this thing should look like, and your answer was pretty clear “fuck working people there”.

          also the way you talk about china is interesting do you think some hundreds of years ago everyone in what is now china went like “hey what if we just all peacefully become one people now” the only difference between the way the US became a nation and the way China did is time and if that is enough of a difference for you, you may as well admit to “it wast stolen it was won” reactionary types they were right, and again what does that say about Cuba, there not even time makes a difference and the genocide that made Cuba was far far bloodier than the one that made the US and yet yall dont call it artificial not that it is or atleast not anymore than any other nation including the US. Point is you cant simply look at one nation and denounce it for whatever reasons and say that is the reason it most be destroyed and then turn around and ignore the exact same history on countries you praise and defend the “artificiality” (as if any social construct could be natural) of the the US is a non factor here unless you wanna advocate for the destruction of just about every nation in the americas including the ones we all like.

          • QueerCommieOP
            2 years ago

            The US government is going to fall one way or another before we see socialism. You can’t just seize existing state machinery and try to make socialism with it whether you got it through electoral means or you magically became a monarch. The lives of USians or going to deteriorate in any foreseeable future, so at least in this version we can accelerate past the fascist stage.