Just fucking do it
It would be very funny to replace Joe Biden because you’re worried about his age with a literal stroke victim.
If we just keep bonking him on the head we can adjust policy as needed
Ahh but then Buttgiieg would be the first CIA-American president.
Not true! Bush senior was the director of the CIA
Nixon was a CIA guy too iirc, and I think there are others but I’m lazy
Write in Hillary
I hate you. Have an upbear.
If you don’t vote for Nikki Haley (D) it’s because you’re against progress
and probably hate women too
funny way of spelling Fetty Wap
Saw a very funny TikTok of people advocating jimmy carter for president
The westoid brain is broken beyond comprehension, seems that we desperately need an extremely old person to be president from here on out
Death to America
ok but only if the candidate is still biden
And if you don’t you’re homophobic and ableist