That’s so cool. Got any links or pics?
That’s so cool. Got any links or pics?
Does he have a 3d printer or something? I mean it’s not like you can just go out and buy two garbage bins and paste them together wait hang on
The best piece of interactive literature art ever made IMHO
They stormed the Starbucks and demanded decaf
Enshittification / extreme jokerfication. Guess we’re doing accellerationism now
He never left
‘gouging’ is just monopoly capitalism. You can’t stop it unless you regulate the market and enforce antitrust laws, but that’s ‘big gubbament’
Inflation(read: monopoly capitalism)
“We’re capitalists, sweaty”
Weeks when decades happen
When I finish building my IRL gonk I’m getting that laser etched in rebel script on his back
I literally feel this
8] Additionally, she spoke to Gonky on occasion, showing him her trooper doll. When the Marauder was boarded by enemy Zygerrians, Omega told the droid to hide, though **he simply powered down.[**9]
[oofs in Feynman]
Ha! I have tricked you by stating something clearly wrong on the internet so someone would correct me and tell me what I really wanted to know! Gonk gonk!
Really how can he prove he’s a galaxy brain genius like Bozos without at least one sojourn to the heliosphere
“I’m not political, if anything I’m a centrist”
Another reason to love Ireland