China’s defense chief has warned that Taipei is being dragged into a “dangerous situation”

China’s efforts toward “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan have been consistently undermined by “separatist and external forces,” Defense Minister Dong Jun has claimed. He also warned that anyone attempting to separate Taiwan from China would end up facing “self-destruction.”

Speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue conference in Singapore on Sunday, Dong Jun stressed that “the Taiwan question is the core of China’s core interests” aligned with the One-China principle and safeguarded by the Chinese military.

He blasted the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan (DPP) for “pursuing separation in an incremental way, erasing the Chinese identity of Taiwan and severing social, historical, and cultural links across the Taiwan Strait.” He went on to accuse “separatists” of betraying “the Chinese nation and their ancestors.”

“They will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history,” the defense chief stressed, before condemning “external interfering forces” – without naming them directly – for “hollowing out” the One-China principle by selling weapons to Taipei and attempting to use Taiwan to “contain China.”

“These malicious intentions are dragging Taiwan into a dangerous situation,” the minister warned. “China remains committed to peaceful reunification; however, this prospect is increasingly being eroded by separatists for Taiwan independence and foreign forces,” he said. Dong added that “resolute actions” would be taken to “curb Taiwan independence” and ensure that such an eventuality never comes to pass.

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