Another clear aim for the U.S. and [its neocolony] is to bypass the Red Sea, over which the Yemeni resistance has established an effective blockade to all [neocolony]-bound ships. Since Ansarallah secured control of the Red Sea, the number of trade vessels passing through the Suez Canal have dropped by 40%. The world’s largest shipping companies are now avoiding the Red Sea entirely and instead taking the much longer and costlier route around the Cape of Good Hope, past South Africa.

This means a much costlier war for global capitalism, which is already estimated to cost at least 10% of [the neocolony’s] GDP — $50 billion — before the end of the year. The amount of money the ruling class must invest will be far higher, considering that 12% of the world’s oil and natural gas shipments used to pass through the Red Sea. Since the Resistance took control of commercial choke points, vessels carrying an estimated 2.5 million barrels of oil per day must now find another way to their destinations. (, Dec. 4, 2023)

A [neoimperialist] port in Gaza would mean the Red Sea channels could be bypassed by sea and over land. However, the [neo]imperialist powers’ assumption that they have safe passage through the Mediterranean Sea may prove mistaken.

During his May 23 remarks, Al-Houthi also announced Ansarallah’s missile and drone strikes on attempted blockade runners in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and that “one of our military operations during this week was carried out towards the Mediterranean Sea.” (, May 23)

These strikes represent the “fourth stage of escalation” announced by Ansarallah military spokesperson Yahya Sare’e earlier this month. “[Yemen] will target all ships headed to [neocolonial] ports in any area we reach regardless of their nationality and destination.” (Palestine Chronicle, May 3)

Despite whatever benevolent motives are proffered by for-profit media, the U.S. floating pier in Gaza is not about humanitarian aid, nor has any aid been delivered. And the Palestinian resistance is under no illusions to the contrary.

“Palestinian resistance is capable of hitting the base, but it will also be a sitting duck for other regional resistance groups,” said Palestinian journalist Wesam Bahrani.

“The evidence on the ground suggests this U.S. military base, when constructed, may not survive for too long. While the United States may be capable of building a military base off the Gaza shore, the Axis of Resistance is also capable of sinking it.” (, March 20)