I believe capitalism is basically promoting narcissism at every level of society (especially among the rich). I can see this personally, western millenials are some of the most narcissistic people I have ever seen alongside ancaps, they can’t take L’s even though it’s absolutely warranted. It’s especially bad with parenting, when you rightfully tear someone to shreds for parenting mistakes they go fucking full Tumblr warrior and go ballistic on the critics even when most of them are shitting on them with good faith in mind.

Another example of this me, me, me, shit is entrep bullshit. It’s pretty clear entrepreneurship is just narcissism disguised as a way out of poverty.

  • sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al
    1 month ago

    Okay, so first things first. WTFAY? And I don’t ask that to be confrontational, but to make you take a step back and think.

    You’re here ranting about narcissists but for some reason you feel entitled enough to

    tear someone to shreds for parenting mistakes

    Capitalism is the amalgamation of the belief that everything exists for your furtherance. Everything is a resource that should be exploited and it’s your calling to get there first and get the most.

    In a post-capitalist society, it’s our job to leave said kinds of archaic thinking in the past. What does the world look like when you don’t rape and pillage wantonly? What does the world look like when people only take what they need and celebrate everyone else having their needs met? And what does the world look like when we speak to people with compassion and empathy. Perhaps if you don’t

    tear someone to shreds

    They don’t

    go fucking full Tumblr warrior and go ballistic

    Post-capitalism is about understanding the cause and effect and taking responsibility for our actions. It’s not about trying to oppress others, whether it’s a condescension kink or something more innocent. You have to build the platform for the world to change and yes, that’s toppling regimes, eating the rich, etc. But on the ground level, it’s about being the platform for a better tomorrow.