Whether each individual encampment lasts a few hours or a few days or is smashed immediately is not the point, because each attempt helps to raise the level of the struggle as a whole, by inspiring others to take organized action of a similar sort and by teaching the movement new lessons. Each attempt shows the administrators, the politicians and the pigs that we will not stop fighting back against the war machine until the seemingly endless money-faucet to [Zionism’s neocolony] runs dry, until the bombs stop dropping and until we put an end to the genocide.

Look at a map of the encampments now that have been put up in countries all over the world. Look at London. Look at Paris and Mexico City. Look at the massive solidarity demonstrations taking place in Türkiye and Yemen. The fight for an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people is a truly international one today, and we cannot afford to ignore how the flames of the student movement right here in the center of the empire have worked to rejuvenate and embolden the global struggle.

Many of us will go further. We will not stop until […] apartheid falls, because we see in the illegal Zionist occupation the same kind of militaristic, white supremacist society that the U.S. empire is. We see that [Zionism’s neocolony] is just its most visible [outpost], a testing ground for new drones, new bombs and new crowd control devices to be used on working-class and oppressed peoples all over the globe.