Love to see the comments

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    Yeah when Trump wins, anyone left of MTG will be treated like the Palestinians are treated now. You guys don’t understand this year is the endgame for the US. You guys will too be busy fleeing from Trump’s Schutzstaffel to even think for a second about Gaza. It’s easy: If Trump wins, the world will fall into total chaos and Gaza will be everywhere, nobody will care about them anymore. If Biden wins, we’ll still have at least an opportunity to improve their situation.

    There is absolutely no way they believe this, is there? Liberals have become 2008 era conservatives who thought Obama would put them in FEMA camps. The federal government is far too lazy and inept to do anything like that domestically. Also have these liberals not seen the police brutality on college campuses over the past few weeks? The American SS is already here, it’s the NYPD.

    Not to mention how dismissive this is of Palestinians. They’re being carpet bombed right now. Imagine an American saying we’re worried of the same thing happening to us. It’s ludicrous.

    And if liberals truly worry about this, that Trump will create apartheid and begin slaughtering people domestically en masse (more than people already are killed through poverty and police brutality). The response shouldn’t be to vote for Biden, it should be a call to dismantle the entire American state apparatus because it shouldn’t exist

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      1 month ago

      There is absolutely no way they believe this, is there?

      If they believed it was true, then they should be organizing insurgents and guerillas to fight the feds like resistance fighters in countries occupied by germany in WW2. The fact that they clearly have no actual resistance plan means they either don’t believe that Trump is as bad as they claim or they plan on doing nothing as he sets up death camps, much like how they’re not doing anything about the camps on the Mexican border right now

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      1 month ago

      plus even if Biden wins they must believe the next republican will do this too, right? forever and ever.

      do they just expect democrats to win every single time? no such thing has ever happened in history and if it does then they get a one-party state.

      and their precious “democracy” (their conception of it) is destroyed anyways.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      1 month ago

      You guys don’t understand this year is the endgame for the US.

      “You guys don’t understand that joe biden is basically tony stark in this infinity war”

      Looking forward to being told how 2028 is the endgame and then how 2032 is the endgame