axont [she/her, comrade/them]

A terrible smelly person

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2020


  • Yeah Beto has also been vocally anti-Israel lately as well, but he’s also not had any hope of a legitimate political career lately. That can’t be making him friends with Democrats. He kept losing every race he was involved in, so the donors dried up.

    Also in the 2020 primary there were so many candidates he had to pigeon-hole himself to one particular issue to be notable, he tried being the anti-gun guy. He did the thing Democrats aren’t supposed to do which is confirm what Republicans think of them. Democrats are usually more submissive and conciliatory to Republicans. When accused of being anti-gun Democrats are supposed to be like “oh well uh, well, yeah you’re right mr. republican we should still protect the blah blah.” Instead Beto was outright saying “yeah we are coming for your guns, no one needs an assault rifle” and that probably didn’t make him friends among the rich donor class who actually control everything

    They went with Biden because they simply don’t have anyone left

  • yeah the average person looks at Pete and visibly recoils in disgust. He’d be a Democrat version of DeSantis. He does well to his specific crowd, white comfortable nerds who work at Deloitte, but everyone else just sees a robotic weird rat man. Horrendous vibes emanate from him.

    I mean I wouldn’t put it past the democrats to put their chips behind him, but normal people see his entire vibe as fake corporate mandatory fun overly sentimental nothingness. He’s a physical manifestation of Patrick Bateman. People don’t look at Pete and see themselves, they look at Pete and see their weirdest supervisor at work. They see debate club nerds who they used to bully. They see a guy who would have worn a bow tie to elementary school

  • i think it’s just easier to do content moderation on websites and stuff on TV/movies has become more keen on scrubbing slurs, so it’s seemed like slurs have been less normalized, maybe?

    in daily life I haven’t noticed any drop in slur usage since the 90s. People will still call stuff gay or homo in a negative way. I’ve had the homophobic f-word slur screamed at me by passing cars a few times while on my bike. My coworkers will let loose any number of slurs that they claim to not even realize are slurs, mostly the homophobic or transphobic kind.

    Yeah and white people absolutely will say the n-word when they think they’re in private company. I’ve had taxi drivers say it to me since they see a white person and think they can relax their language around me. I used to work at a grocery store around 2014 and older customers would regularly complain about prices and say “that n-word is making the prices higher” (referring to obama), like right at me at the register.

    The USA is a fascist country and every new person I meet is regarded as a potential reactionary until proven otherwise. I put elderly white people under the most scrutiny. Explicitly, outwardly queer/trans people are the only types I feel really comfortable with anymore

  • yeah good luck lmao

    Even Israel thinks it’s still 1982. Like I don’t even know what Iran would do at this point. They’re one of Hezbollah’s major allies. The telegraphed missile barrage was really out of character for Iran who typically tries to play it cool.

    Israel is having a hard enough time fighting ragtag Al-Qassam militants with homemade RPGs. Hezbollah actually has funding and infrastructure. They have technical trucks and artillery. Why would Israel try to do this? Do they really need this much of a reality check? Maybe they’re stuck in 2006 where Israel kept indiscriminately shooting civilian targets in Lebanon to the point Hezbollah got justifiably terrified of just how evil Israel could be, so they called for a ceasefire after a month.

    How would it go over if Israel tries to do the 2006 Lebanon war again? Like with cluster munitions and white phosphorous launched at civilians. Am I gonna be reading “Hezbollah also hiding behind human shields”?