My lately neglected guitar is keeping its abused stares at me and I want to pick up playing again. I’ve rediscovered my love for blues lately so I want to focus on that a bit more.

You guys play any instruments?

  • sudojonz
    2 years ago

    Remember to tell your guitar that you love it and are sorry for the state of things. Or at least that’s what I do when I neglect my instrument(s) :-/

    Went to uni for music (percussionist) under the foolish idea of ‘do what you love and you will never work again’. More like ‘do what you love until the love for it is drained out of you’.

    Anyway…I had to take a break for a while but now I play again when I can summon the energy. These days I focus on drumset (jazz/latin/funk) and solo marimba.

    • DankZedong OPA
      2 years ago

      I’m gonna kiss my guitar tonight. I’m doing it.

      I always loved drumming as a kid. My parents really should have encouraged music more.