My lately neglected guitar is keeping its abused stares at me and I want to pick up playing again. I’ve rediscovered my love for blues lately so I want to focus on that a bit more.

You guys play any instruments?

  • mauveOkra
    2 years ago

    Wait like he thought violas were useless or it was so poorly costructed that it was unplayable? I’d be offended by the former!

    Unfortunately music isn’t profitable really except for overproduced pop music intended solely for spewing out of the content hose, so arts education is in the shitter

    • SovereignState
      2 years ago

      It was a cheap $60 viola from Amazon, so just that that specific piece was functionally garbage haha. It was definitely still crushing to hear.

      Absolutely, just another example of the profit motive dictating what is or isn’t worth investing energy and capital into. Such a shame, as music is one of the most brilliant forms of human expression that exists.