My lately neglected guitar is keeping its abused stares at me and I want to pick up playing again. I’ve rediscovered my love for blues lately so I want to focus on that a bit more.

You guys play any instruments?

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    Played guitar for ~6 years, only ever really did covers. Also have played clarinet (lol), harmonica, and a little bit of piano, again all covers. I’ve been trying to learn to sing the last ~3 years and I enjoy it creatively a lot. I also like producing music digitally, it would be cool to learn piano proper and have a MIDI keyboard or whatever they’re called where I can input directly and humanly into a program. Nice thing about singing though is you can take your instrument anywhere 🥰

    Blues is awesome! My current favorite is St. James Infirmary