• DamarcusArt
      5 months ago

      Fuck off you smug piece of shit. You libs really don’t get it.

      Every socialist in the west was like you at one point, in the same smugly ignorant position they were trained to be in, with massive blind spots towards socialism, finding every excuse in the book to think you’re “smart” despite not actually doing any effort to learn more or challenge your preconceived notions, to dismiss everything that challenges you out of hand, thinking this is “critical thinking” when it is actually just intellectual laziness.

      We have challenged our preconceived notions about these places, we have actually looked, and actually investigated, we were the ones choosing not to be intellectually lazy and blindly support the status quo opinion, thinking it is intelligence. You’re not willing to listen, or learn, and I’m not going to be doing your thinking for you. You have a brain, please use it for something other than being smug on the internet. Or if you can’t handle that, at least go and be smug and unpleasant somewhere else.

        • Giyuu
          5 months ago

          It’s fairly obvious you arent well read on socialism. The way you think about history, development of society and its transformations are clearly incorrect given the other stuff you’ve posted (for example, you don’t understand how propaganda works). So we don’t need to explore very much further.

          You are not taught how to grapple with those topics properly in America and in fact are taught an older, outdated manner that is instilled into you since birth by everyday interaction with parents, friends, education, media, the list goes on. This is the true nature of propaganda.

          What you should be concerned with is the scientific interpretation of history, since growing up in America, you do not learn this but rather the ideological one that, even when you say you criticize the US, often simply ends up supporting the US, who has been the biggest barrier in modern times to historical progress.

          Have a good day and don’t take it personally. I’d wager 90%+ of us here started out like you.