Look at this lil chonk. Isn’t that the cutest piggy you’ve ever seen? 😍

I’m only a few hours in but it already feels like the best Pokemon game ever. The starter choice was very difficult but I went with Quaxly. Who did you choose? What do the trainers of the grad think so far?

  • Al-Andalusian
    51 year ago

    I’m playing Pokémon Violet on emulator and so far I’m liking it! I chose Sprigatito as my starter, as I’ve always chosen the plant type since my first Pokémon game (Platinum) and now it’s a kind of tradition for me hehe

    I actually captured a Lechonk and named him Porcino, I will probably keep him in my team.

    • Red PhoenixOP
      41 year ago

      Nice! I almost chose Sprigatito but Quaxly felt like a better fit for me. There was just something about that duck swag I couldn’t resist lol

      Critical support for comrade lechonk #cantstoplechonk

  • The Free Penguin
    21 year ago

    i dont even use lechonk tbh i picked sprigatito as my starter solely because it ended in tito :p

    • Red PhoenixOP
      11 year ago

      Fair enough, I haven’t used lechonk in a while but eventually want a lvl 100 lechonk to fuck shit up with. And that’s a great reason to pick sprigatito o7