I just came from failing at my exam. The one subject I studied the most, the one I sacrificed the other subjects for. I panicked and I wasn’t able to do simple math. Nothing ever works. I’m living in almost complete poverty, don’t even have money for toilet paper, eat basically rice every day, I can’t even wash my clothes. My mother has kind of told me to fuck off and I’m supposed to go and live with my drug addict of a father, I need to get a shitty job, I don’t know if I have the mental equilibrium to do both a job and university. I have nothing. I have no one. I need to kill myself and stop pretending I can go forward, it only ever gets worse.

  • IngrownMink4☭
    2 years ago

    Please don’t. We support you from here. I know it’s hard to find solutions or get out of misery when everything around you is so broken and corrupt. But don’t get discouraged yet. You are an educated comrade. You are not an ordinary person, you are a communist and many in your situation would give up, but you are not like them. Keep a cool head and hang in there. Your opportunity will come to disassociate yourself from everything that hurts you, in the meantime improvise and do everything possible not to send everything to hell. If you need help or advice, don’t hesitate to ask me. I’m not in a nice situation either, but we will win this fight, sooner or later, and we will succeed. Hasta la victoria siempre, camarada. A hug from Spain, and remember: Trust in yourself. Don’t let your insecurities run your life. I know it is not easy, but we love you. You are not alone.