About 100 marchers, including seniors, children and disabled persons, were spirited in their solidarity and defense of Palestine against the settler-state colonial entity and its [neo]imperial U.S. partners. Shoes of children were collected and placed on the ground in front of the embassy to symbolize the many thousands of people slaughtered by U.S. bombs. Flags of the U.S. and [Zionism] were spattered with red paint and burned.

Speakers denounced the fascistic storming of the Mexican Embassy, comparing it with the [neocolonial] bombing of Iran’s embassy in Damascus on April 1, which the U.S. has not condemned. (See the video of the march at fb.watch/rjDn2jk1C.)

  • 小莱卡
    6 months ago

    To put into perspective, not even Pinochet dared to touch embassies.