• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    6 months ago

    Mere propaganda won’t be enough to dissuade most people from having kids if they wanted them (though the social pressure of having kids has gone down immensely- a very good thing IMO, as someone coming from a large family with shitty experiences in that regard will attest).

    The main problem is capitalism; an anti-human economic order making children an economic detriment to one’s wellbeing. The second issue (and not problem) is that people are simply getting wise to the fact they don’t have to be forced to be baby-breeding machines or trapped within the bourgeois type/standards of family- education and societal progress will do that. But most people would still probably like kids if we weren’t all trapped in these neoliberal hellscapes.

    All that said I’m pretty happy about (white western European, and especially white Anglosphere) population decline, not that I place some excessive importance on it. These societies, run by whites, have created a nightmare of a world for humanity to live in, and this is the natural result- but past that, the demographic diminishing of white westerners, the typically most loyal and agreeable to this shit world order, in comparison to the rest of the world- can only be a good thing; something exacerbating the contradictions of the empire. Whites aren’t inherently worse in any way, or inherently different, but a white American/English/French/etc person as I see it is certainly more likely to have some utterly shit takes and perhaps see their self-interest as tied to maintaining the present racist, imperialist order. Especially if they’re a settler. So statistically, I think it’s a good thing.

    I wish there were more Russians, Serbs, Belarusians, and Irish, though- within the confines of their indigenous lands and regions, not as squatters joining the settler-societies in the Americas, of course. Their nations are allies and friends of the global south, and thus regardless of their issues, a force for resisting and overthrowing the present racist, imperialist order IMO- and the more substantial they would be, the better. A 40-million strong Serbian population would certainly be a challenge for western geopolitical aims in the Balkans, for instance- and same with a billion-strong Russia. The more anti-western (this can include western whites who recognize how terrible their societies are) and anti-imperialist whites there are, the better. The same logic goes for any race really- but by all means I think it is also an incredibly fitting karmic retribution (not that I have any religious or pseudoscientific belief in karma) that the stolen, genocided lands of the Americas and Australia, and the imperial cores of Europe, should diminish- demographically in regards to their white settler or native (European) populations, and economically (as their place in the world is wholly inappropriate and based in imperialism), and otherwise.