I visited the commie bookstore in town today and I picked up a copy of Manufacturing Consent because it seemed appropriate for the current times. I also got a copy of Motorcycle Diaries.

On the way home I also passed a Falun Gong stand. They were doing some dance.

What are you reading?

  • Shrike502
    6 months ago

    Karl Marx’s letter to Vera Zasulich, there are several drafts. In the letter, Marx is discussing the conditions of Russian peasants, specifically their communities - and the potential of said communities to transform into a more modern, communist mode while skipping the pain and misery of capitalist stage - that is, destruction of the peasant communities.

    Looking back, it’s frankly frightening how near prophetic his writings ended up being. Specifically, Marx writes that should the transition to communist mode fail, the small minority of peasants will be turned into private landowners, while the majority will be made into proletariat. Which is exactly what ended up happening