Ben Avraham tried several times to begin the process of conversion, but was denied by Israeli authorities, according to Ynet. He was eventually accepted on to a programme in the Israeli city of Bnei Brak.

After a long process, he converted and changed his name.


“They put me in the government building in Hebron with other people and the guards told everyone that I had converted and that I was Jewish,” he said at the time, Ynet reported. “Every time inmates attacked me, strangled me and beat me very hard.”

He said that Palestinian religious figures attempted to convince him to retract his conversion, but he declined.

Ben Avraham sought to become [a] citizen [under Zionism] following his conversion, but was repeatedly denied and ignored by authorities, according to Noam Arnon, a spokesperson for illegal […] settlements in Hebron.

“Jewish friends… strove for him, supported him financially, and tried to help him stabilise his life, but to no avail. He lived between two worlds: the Muslim world that abused him, and the state of Israel that turned its back on him,” Arnon said on Thursday.

I have a feeling that the reason that Muslims alienated him had less to do with his Judaism and more to do with a perception of ‘betrayal’ or a suspicion that he might have been working for the enemy. Either way, this tragedy is another valuable confirmation that, in the end, the Zionist ruling class sees ordinary Jews as expendable.