Equating and comparing present‐day opponents with an historical adversary is a very old rhetorical sleight (even older capitalism itself), and there is nothing inherently wrong with it. What is inherently wrong, on the other hand, is equating or comparing innocents with oppressors. This is what the upper classes do, and the Zionist ruling class has been no exception. Quoting Ilan Pappé’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, page 72:

The attempt to portray Palestinians, and Arabs in general, as Nazis was a deliberate public relations ploy to ensure that, three years after the Holocaust, Jewish soldiers would not lose heart when ordered to cleanse, kill and destroy other human beings. Already in 1945, Natan Alterman, the national poet of the Jewish community, had identified the impending confrontation with the Palestinians with the war against the Nazis in Europe:

Like you the brave English nation
that stood with its back
to the wall when Europe and France
were covered black
and you fought on the beaches, in the houses and the streets,
so will we fight in the beaches, in the houses and the streets.
The triumphant English people greet us on our last battle.

Page 89:

The commander of one battalion who participated in this operation, Uri Ben‐Ari, mentioned in his memoirs that ‘melting the Diasporas’ was one of the important goals of Nachshon. Ben‐Ari was a young German Jew who had arrived in Palestine a few years earlier. His unit made its final preparations for Nachshon on the Mediterranean coast, near Hadera.

He recalled likening himself to Russian generals fighting the Nazis in the Second World War. The ‘Nazis’ in his case were a large number of defenceless Palestinian villages in proximity to the Jaffa‐Jerusalem road and the para‐military groups of Abd al‐Qadir al‐Husayni who had come to their rescue.

Al‐Husayni’s units had been retaliating for earlier Jewish attacks by firing randomly at Jewish traffic on the road, wounding and killing passengers. But the villagers themselves, as elsewhere in Palestine, were trying to continue life as normal, unaware of the demonised image attributed to them by Ben‐Ari and his comrades.

Joseph Massad’s Palestinians and Jewish History: Recognition or Submission? supplies more examples. Page 54:

Not only is much of modern Palestinian history not seen as having been set in motion by Zionism’s colonial claims to Palestine, more importantly, Palestinian history, to the extent that it forced itself on Zionism, was coded by Zionism as a continuation of European anti‐Semitism, indeed a continuation of Hitlerism. Ben‐Gurion was clear on this. In addressing a group of holocaust survivors, he asserted, “We don’t want to reach again the situation that you were in. We do not want the Arab Nazis to come and slaughter us.”4

Before we continue, it is important that we talk about the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al‐Husayn. Despite the fact that he was a minor war criminal whom Britain’s own Zionist High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel appointed in 1921, and despites the fact that he failed to organize efficient Waffen SS divisions and couldn’t prevent one dozen thousand Palestinians from volunteering against the Axis, he is the only link that Zionists have between Palestinians and the Third Reich, so you better believe that Zionists are going to milk this cow for all that she’s worth.

Behold, from page 56:

It was the mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al‐Husayni, who provided [Zionists] with their best propaganda linking the Palestinians with the [German Fascists] and European anti‐Semitism. Fleeing British persecution, the mufti ended up in Germany during the war years and attempted to obtain promises from the Germans that they would not support the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.

Documents that the Jewish Agency produced in 1946 purporting to show that the mufti had a rôle in the extermination of Jews did no such thing; the only thing these unsigned letters by the mufti showed was his opposition to Nazi Germany’s and Romania’s allowing Jews to emigrate to Palestine.21 Yet the mufti continues to be represented by [Zionist] propagandists as having participated in the extermination of European Jews.

In the four‐volume Yad Vashem‐sponsored Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, the article on the mufti is twice as long as the articles on Goebbels and Göring and longer than the articles on Himmler and Heydrich combined. Of the biographical entries, its length is exceeded, and then just slightly, only by the article on Hitler.22

The writer of the encyclopedia entry, Irit Abramski‐Bligh, alleges without any substantiation that the mufti “tried to persuade the Axis powers to extend the extermination program to include the Jews of Palestine, the Middle East, and North Africa.”23 At Yad Vashem, an entire wall is devoted to the connections tying Husayni to [Reich] officials. Segev comments that “[t]he visitor is left to conclude that there is much in common between the Nazis’ plan to destroy the Jews and the Arabs [sic] enmity to Israel.24

This parallels how antisocialists inflate the German–Soviet Pact’s importance to comedically extreme proportions, when it really wasn’t that important, especially compared to actual alliances with the Third Reich. Antisocialists do have a tiny inventory of other ‘overlaps’ to inflate, like those concurrent efforts to dismantle the Weimar Republic, but the German–Soviet Pact is easily their favourite. There is another parallel, which I’ll talk about later.

Pages 56–7:

Gamal ʻAbd al‐Nasir and later Yasir Arafat were subjected to similar slander simply because, like Husayni, they opposed Zionist colonialism. [Zionism’s neocolony] as well as its American supporters were to engage in such rhetoric. The New York Times referred to Nasir as “Hitler on the Nile.”25 Ben‐Gurion called Nasir a “fascist dictator,” while Menachem Begin insisted that he was surrounded by Nazi emissaries. The Egyptians, in fact, had been accused by the [settlers] of Nazi‐style persecution of Jews since 1948.26

The [Hebrew] newspaper Ma’ariv justified the 1956 invasion of Egypt by claiming that it prevented Nasir from turning into “Hitler of the East.” Elie Wiesel, later to become a Nobel Peace laureate, alleged at the time in an article that did not provide a shred of evidence that the departure of most Egyptian Jews from Egypt after the 1956 invasion was planned by an SS man.27

Indeed, Ben‐Gurion himself in a speech to the Knesset, spread the outright lie that Egyptian tanks had swastikas painted on them.28 In correspondence with foreign leaders, the [settlers] insisted that their invasion was in self‐defense and invoked the memory of the holocaust as a time when no one defended the Jews.29

[…] Before the outbreak of the 1967 war, Ha’Aretz printed a catalog of allegedly “comparable” statements by Nasir and Hitler, such as Nasir’s in 1967 that “If Israel wants war—fine: Israel will be destroyed!” and Hitler’s in 1939 that “If the Jews drag the world into a war, world Jewry will be destroyed.”


At the time of his 1982 invasion of Lebanon, Begin justified the massive destruction of Beirut by referring to 1945: the destruction of Arafat’s headquarters there “had given him the feeling that he had sent the [IOF] into Berlin to destroy Hitler in his bunker.”34 Earlier, Begin had described the PLO as a “neo‐Nazi organization.”

(The accusation against the PLO in particular is laughworthy, for reasons which you can read in the full document.)

Perhaps most outrageously, many Zionists even condemned Palestinians who learnt about the Shoah or honoured its victims! Pages 60–1:

Indeed, Oslo in no way dampened attempts by [settlers] and their supporters to liken the Palestinians to the Nazis. […] Menashe Lorency, head of the Mengele Twins Organization, stated that “Arafat doesn’t have to be in Auschwitz. […] He was a continuation of what they did [there].” […] Dov Shilansky, a holocaust survivor who during the 1948 war commanded a platoon and who subsequently served a twenty‐one‐month term in [neocolonial] jails for terrorism,58 thought [that] “Arafat will go to Auschwitz to learn from his teacher, Hitler, how to destroy us.59


Museum sources told the Washington Post that members of the American Jewish community warned museum director Walter Reich that “this [Arafat] is Hitler incarnate.” […] The fact that neither Arafat nor the PLO had ever denied the Jewish holocaust and had always expressed solidarity with its victims was immaterial to such propaganda. Arafat finally opted not to go.63

Even United Nations delegates were unsafe from these false equivalences. Page 61:

[T]he PLO’s submission to [Zionism’s] rewriting of the conflict had begun even before Oslo: part of the price for the Madrid Conference was the repeal, in December 1991, of the 1975 UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX characterizing Zionism as “a form of racism and racial discrimination.”66 When the resolution was passed in 1975, [Zionism’s] UN ambassador, Haim Herzog, had told the General Assembly delegates that Hitler would have felt at home among them.67

(Emphasis added in all cases.)

Zionists’ latest likenings of Hamas and even Palestinians in general to the German Fascists is so well attested that it would be unnecessary to go into it here. In fairness, though, lately some neocolonists have been trying to keep things fresh by likening their victims to Amalek instead, so good on you for venturing outside of your comfort zone, Zionists!

In all seriousness, Zionists should be really embarrassed to overuse Third Reich analogies, not merely because they always misapply them, but also because they cut much more sharply in the opposite direction: not only are Zionist atrocities far easier to verify than Palestinian ones, Zionist collaboration with the Fascists was vastly more extensive than the Palestinian equivalent as well.

In this way, too, Zionists parallel other antisocialists: antisocialists either trivialise or even completely ignore dictatorships of the bourgeoisie that collaborated with the Third Reich, and often they honour Axis collaborators anyway, so they only make theirselves look blockheaded by equating or comparing us with the German Fascists.

Click here for events that happened today (March 11).

1907: Heinz Brandt, Axis lieutenant colonel, came to be.
1920: The authorities arrested Eleonore Baur for disturbing the peace following an antisemitic speech at a women’s rally in München (Munich).
1936: The Imperialists seized the village of Tauran in Mongolia Area, China.
1937: Raeder, Göring, and Fritsch joined Blomberg in the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the German military.
1938: Berlin formally issued a directive for the invasion of Austria, to be taken place on the following day.
1939: In response to President Emil Hácha’s sudden moves to consolidate power within Czechoslovakia, thus threatening the Reich’s attempts to divide the nation, Berlin issued a ultimatum for Czechoslovakia to hand over Bohemia and Moravia, moving up the Reich’s schedule for the occupation of the remainder of Czechoslovakia. That evening, pro‐Reich fascist leader Arthur Seyß‐Inquart visited Slovakian leaders, demanding them to proclaim independence immediately, otherwise the Reich would no longer support their movement.
1940: Reich Foreign Minister Ribbentrop met with Benito Mussolini in Fascist Italy regarding further German–Italian cooperation in the war. That aside, the Fascists lost their submarine U‐31 and all fifty‐eighty of her staff on board. (Later that month, the Fascists somehow recovered her and put her back in working order, only to lose her again in November of that year. This was possibly the only ship to be sunken twice during WWII.)
1941: In the morning, Axis submarine U‐74 attacked Icelandish trawler Frodi with her deck gun, massacring five but failing to destroy the trawler, and the Panzer Regiment of the 5th Light Division completed disembarking from freighters at Tripoli, Libya. A parade was staged with the newly arrived tanks, with some of them going around the town multiple times to make their numbers seem greater, then the tanks headed east toward Sirte after the parade. Likewise, 135 Axis aircraft dropped 122 tons of high explosive bombs and 830 incendiary bombs on Birmingham, England. Tōkyō dictated that France would return parts of Cambodia and Laos, which the French had gained from Thailand about four decades prior, to Thailand.
1942: Axis troops landed on Mindanao, the southern‐most spot on the Philippine Islands, and Axis submarine U‐565 sank British cruiser HMS Naiad north of Sidi Barrani, Egypt that evening, slaughtering eighty‐two but leaving 582 alive.
1943: The Reich Security Main Office ordered that all Jews in the criminal rehabilitation system were to be sent to Auschwitz or Majdanek concentration camps, where they would stay indefinitely, after they served their sentences. Meanwhile, Axis troops arrested 7,100 Macedonian Jews and deported them to the new Skopje concentration camp in Yugoslavia. Coincidentally, Joseph Goebbels ordered the SS and Security Police to round up the 4,000 Berlin Jews who had escaped Operation Factory at the end of February 1943. The royalist Yugoslavian government‐in‐exile in London reported that the Reich had executed 1,250 Serbians in Belgrade.
1944: The Axis rounded up about three hundred Jewish women and children of Split, Yugoslavia, sent them to Jasenovac, and exterminated them.
1945: The Greater German Reich’s Chancellor made a surprise visit to 9th Army headquarters in Saarow between Frankfurt an der Oder and Berlin while Z43 began shelling Soviet positions near Kolberg, Germany (now Kołobrzeg, Poland). The H. C. Stülcken Sohn shipyard in Hamburg and the submarine facilities at Bremen all suffered Allied bombing. The 10,750‐ton Kriegsmarine training ship Hugo Zeye struck a mine and sank in the Baltic Sea on the approaches to Kiel; only five of the many military personnel and civilian evacuees from Ostpreußen (East Prussia) survived. Apart from that, the first unexploded V‐2 rocket landed in England, but nobody either retrieved it or studied it until April 7, by which time they found other unexploded rockets and already uncovered the rocket’s many secrets.
1946: Rudolf Höss, who had been living for the past year as a farmer under the pseudonym Franz Lang, was arrested by the British.
1947: The trials against Axis war criminals commenced at the auditorium of the Polish Teachers’ Union in Warsaw, and so did the trial against Rudolf Höss at the Supreme National Tribunal of Poland.
1948: The Allied war crimes tribunal tried thirty Axis officers, doctors, and a nurse for human experimentation in China, finding twenty‐three of them guilty and sentencing five to death.