Although I felt like they could have edited down the first 3 episodes to 1 or 2, and some of the plot points seemed a bit lazy, I thought it was really good. It’s very on-the-nose anti-capitalist and has some very clear parallels to our own world’s revolutionary struggles and history.


I especially liked the merging of corporate security and the police force as a plot point, signifying that police exist to protect corporate interests.

    • Red PhoenixOP
      2 years ago

      Yeah I thought the first couple episodes were pretty slow and didn’t have very satisfying endings, almost like you have to watch all three at once like a movie. But yeah hopefully the rest keep the pace and quality of the third episode.

        • Red PhoenixOP
          2 years ago

          It honestly boggles my mind how producers and directors have such difficulty hitting the tones and vibe of the original films. They evoke such a sense of imagination, wonder and amazement that’s missing from a lot of star wars media. It’s like I’m watching someone’s interpretation of star wars, like they’ve been given a homework assignment to make a star wars series instead of actually making star wars. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the tone and direction rogue one, but I think only because it was in comparison to a lot of previous failures.

          I know it gets a lot of hate, but I actually really liked The Last Jedi and felt it was the best of episodes 7-9 and the most faithful to the original trilogy.

            • Red PhoenixOP
              2 years ago

              I see what you mean about Rogue One. I think a lot of the problems of post-OT films stem from trying to keep up with current film trends or trying to be original or innovative just for the sake of doing so, and in doing so lose the essence of what makes Star Wars so great. Being gritty and serious worked for Batman in The Dark Knight but that doesn’t translate as well to Star Wars because that deviates from the fundamental atmosphere of the franchise. Like it’s hard to make Jar Jar or Jawas serious without sacrificing what makes Star Wars what it is.

              I didn’t like The Force Awakens very much when I saw it. My main criticism was that it was too much like A New Hope, but I guess The Last Jedi was a lot like The Empire Strikes Back as well. Looking back I think The Force Awakens felt a bit too gimmicky for me and seemed to cater to a much younger audience. I only saw it once when it was first released though, maybe I should rewatch it again from a new perspective. I was very disappointed by The Rise of Skywalker though, what a dumpster fire. I should have walked out but I guess I’m too much of a fanboy lol.