Fuck this reactionary chump. Do not let anyone in your life who calls themselves left of center be sheep-herded into his CIA campaign.

Reminder he also said of Reagan as a eulogy: “Ronald Reagan was a freedom fighter in terms of supporting our Jewish bros & sis in the Soviet Union & opposing vicious forms of communism.”

If he’s not CIA he’s creating damn good value in for them for free. (Replies to the top photo and headline btw are full of people, including king of the patsocs himself dunking on him for this.)

(Here’s a link to a privacy preserving twitter alternative frontend for the tweet: https://nitter.privacydev.net/CornelWest/status/1758665760870678710 )

  • darkcallingOP
    7 months ago

    Nah, I think Cornel West is genuine.

    A genuine preacher hawking radicalism but actually selling fascism. A snake oil salesman. A fraud and a con who goes around calling everyone brother this, sister that like we can’t see through his act, his transparent, dishonest attempt at disarming with his benevolent preacher act. A guy reliving the US 60s civil right movement perpetually, perpetually deluded into thinking that peaceful protest changes anything and hating on the USSR which along with militant radicals who refused to renounce violence like Malcolm X were the real reason for the civil rights movement partially succeeding.

    Liberal academics are class enemies.