• SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    I almost wish we would balkanize, that the west coast bounces and then turn around and sue the US for crimes against humanity for the abandonment of effective governance leading to an absolutely abhorrent loss of years lived - all for (more) money - for people who absolutely don’t need it.

    No one’s killed more Americans than the institutionalized ineffectiveness of the US Government. If the people ever find their justice, you can make sure it won’t be legal. Only advice I have is divorce as much of your life as possible from the dollar. Grow food, barter, trade hours, trade favors. As soon as you bring money into any situation you immediately cheapen it.

    • bleepingblorp
      8 months ago

      Even with Balkanization, if the current state/city governments of West Coast states stay in power, things will still suck ass. I remember living in Seattle seeing first hand the city police point assault rifles at a group of kneeling and handcuffed homeless folks while fucks with buldozers plowed a bunch of tents plus the stuff on the tents into a pile, loading it all into a dump truck, and hauling what little those people had away to who knows where.

      That was a key turning point for me… seeing the blatant violence and hate of the Democrat controlled city in the open like that. And that city is full of Sucdem Bernie types in government too. Yet they still were willing to do that…

      West coast governments are garbage and all of them deserve to be blasted with cheap bullets on a wall.

      • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Democrat - Republican

        What do they have in common?

        = Neoliberalism.

        I understand the ire at conservative government, especially when society has ills it needs to solve (government, by its very nature, is conservative. It is conserving power in the hands of those that already hold it, de facto, elitist).

        I’ve been all over North America. I’ve seen democratic strongholds (nimbyism incarnate) and I’ve spent good lengths of time in places that have been red longer than I’ve been alive.

        I’ve seen the 3rd world wasteland that makes up half of St. Louis and the rest of the Rust Belt. I’ve urban explored parts of the 100sq miles of abandoned warehouses in Gary, Indiana. It’s a war zone, alright, just an economic one, fought in legalese by bankers and other grifters who’ve never built anything material with their hands. Republicana is no better than Democrastan. Both of which has seen its institutions usurped and rendered useless by the private equity/private property wealth extraction scheme.

        Neoliberalism turns the quest for profit inward, slowly, but incessently ( the real incrementalism) cannabalizing our towns of their vitality and leaving empty, hollowed out, rundown zombie economies, devoid of passion, of care, of attentiveness, of civic pride. We rinse repeat the same freeway offramp as far as the eye can see. Every small town, the same zeitgeist, the same crushing pall in the air. Over policed, every citizen comes complete with their own personal, institutionalized PTSD. The 1000yd stare is how we know our own.

        If we look at the end result of small town America, we must deduce the only thing America produces is Trauma.

    • Amerikan Pharaoh
      8 months ago

      and then turn around and sue the US for crimes against humanity for the abandonment of effective governance

      While I can’t help but feel this is so idealistic it’d never be allowed to happen, my heart aches with how badly I wish it would. I honestly just want to see the nation that ripped my family apart, scattered us to the four winds, and left us all impoverished after the intentional scuttling of Field Order 15 finally torn apart itself; however that outcome may arrive. I don’t even care if I keep reincarnating into it every time I die until the Amerikan Era of Humiliation ends. I want to see every last inch of it wrack the settlers with hunger and misery.