• loathesome dongeater
    53 years ago

    At least this is some improvement over when he said something like “white people steal food while black people steal electronic gadgets during riots” in IASIP.

    Also I found this in the comment sections of the article. Talk about close yet far.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      3 years ago

      boy howdy, reading that is like when you’re watching pole vaulting and the athlete does everything correctly, then overshoots the mat and breaks their leg. Started strong, ended horribly.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      33 years ago

      I remember this episode, frank was actually one of the ppl looting / stealing, so the episode was making a criticism of his character’s racism and double standards w/ regards to looting. That’s kinda the point of the show, they are all terrible people, and it satirizes their selfishness and reactionary views.